Monday, April 27, 2015

Postcards from Venice

We spent last weekend in Venice. The kids have been wanting to see it "before it goes underwater", and Julie and I hadn't been there since 1994.

Venice is beautiful. It is a wonderful city to wander in, with surprises around every bend. But my overall impression was of a city that is living in the past tense, not the present tense (verb tenses are much on my mind). It's full of glorious palaces that are falling into disrepair. There are scores of gondoliers in traditional clothing, but few signs of any modern enterprise or business. In many buildings, the first floor has been abandoned due to rising water. Other buildings seem totally empty. The whole time we were there, I felt the sense of things getting old, of things falling apart.

I decided to create a set of pictures that capture that feeling, photos that look like a pack of old postcards. You know, the faded, scratched photo postcards you can sometimes find at flea markets or antique stores. A few samples are below, as well as a link to the full twelve-pack. These are all photos that I took last weekend. Read below the images if you want to geek out on the process to create them.

Tom's 2015 Venice Postcards - the complete set

Gondolier going against a headwind, Grand Canal
Quiet canal at night

Rounding a bend

Grand Canal from Pont dell'Accademia

For photography geeks only:

To create these images, I first tried to take photos in Venice that could have been taken fifty years ago, by leaving out modern street signs, tourists with selfie sticks, or other signs of modernity.

I then followed my regular photo editing process:

- copied all the photos from my data card to my hard drive (I took 283 photos over the weekend)
- imported all the photos into Adobe Lightroom
- selected the ones I like/would like to show (culled 283 images to 15)
- did first pass editing/color correction in Lightroom
- did additional HDR processing and editing in Photomatix Pro and Photoshop as needed
- created a final set of selected images in Lightroom

I then had a set of "clean" images - typically this is what I would save and show to people.  However, in this case I added a few steps:

- copied my clean images to my IPad
- converted to "antique postcard" look using two programs: Pic Grunger and Picfx
- compared the results from both programs and selected the best final images (down to 12)
- copied the finals back to my PC and uploaded to Flickr

Thursday, April 16, 2015

What Do You Do All Day Long?

Since we moved to Barcelona last August, the most common question I get from friends at home is the one above - so, what do you do with your time? For a while, I laughed the question off or made some bad joke about sleeping in and watching TV. Finally, when my friend Micky, who is himself quite skilled in the art of taking time off, asked the question, I thought it might be time to come up with a proper answer. (At a minimum, when people ask me in the future, I can send them a link to this post.)

The short answer is that my days are quite full, and I'm never bored. At times I feel busier than when I had a paying job, and I have a host of long term projects on my list that aren't even started yet. Given that we've just signed on for another year here, maybe I'll get to some of them.

So, here is the list:

1) Day to day family support. To state the obvious, I'm not the only adult in our family "on sabbatical" during this time abroad. I wouldn't expect or want to take a year off from my career and not take on at least a little more of the day-to-day work of taking care of two children. I make breakfast almost every morning. I drive the kids to school and shuttle them to and from sports, activities and play dates. I still don't cook dinners, much to the relief of the rest of the family, but I do laundry and dishes and a lot more shopping than I used to. All this frees up some of Julie's time so she has more time for other interests as well. And lest I make this sound like a burden, it's the opposite. By far the best part of this year abroad is the opportunity to spend a lot more time with the family. I'm reveling in it.

2) Travel agent. I am the primary travel planner for all of the trips we take. And we take a lot of trips. Since we left San Francisco, we've spent almost 40% of our time on the road. We've traveled 45,000 miles in eleven countries. I've booked air tickets, train tickets, hotels, AirBnBs, bicycle tours, glacier hikes, and camel rides. It's time consuming, but we all love to travel and we look forward to keeping up the pace.  Off to Venice this week, Budapest in a few more.

3) Photography. If you have been following this blog, you've figured out that I like photography. I'm trying to learn a lot more this year. That has involved shooting during our trips, and a lot of time in the "darkroom" (i.e. at the computer) at home. I'm also reading a lot and taking some online training, and hope to start some workshops as well. Photography is changing so fast these days. It is very hard to keep up, and I'm just scratching the surface. 

Sunrise, Ronda, Spain. HDR of five separate images.
4) Physical exercise. Julie and I joined a great gym, where she plays tennis, I lift weights, and we both spin, steam, and relax. We mountain bike in the hills above the city, and we walk a lot.

5) Spanish classes and practice. Julie and I take Spanish twice a week. Honestly, I've been pretty lax about studying, but I do put in some hours.

5) "Mental" exercise. This is a more recent addition to the list. Prompted by Spanish friends here, and by having a teenager in the house, I started doing some reading about mindfulness and started meditating most mornings. I hope to work my way up to spending 3% of my waking hours meditating.

6) Tour guide. Thankfully, we are lucky enough to get lots of visitors and I love showing them this beautiful, fun city.

7) Tourist. Julie and I try to be tourists ourselves when we find the time, going to museums, biking, or just going out to lunch.

8) Everything else - the stuff I would do anyway, like paying the bills, managing the finances, figuring out how to spoof our IP address so I can watch the NCAA tournament, getting the car fixed - you know, day to day living.

For the first three months here, Julie and I both spent A TON of time on getting settled: buying furniture, getting residence permits, getting utilities in our name, finding insurance, etc. If you've ever lived in a country where you don't speak the native tongue, you know that this stuff is time consuming. However, it's mostly done now.

And, a shorter list:  What do I want to do that I haven't had time for yet? Well, I want to build a new website for my photos. I want to learn to surf (tweaked my shoulder so I had to put that off for now.) I want to write some things. I want to volunteer at a few places around town. I want to spend more time on Spanish. And I want to figure out what comes next in life.

That should keep me busy for a while.